Our Supergirl needed a little help from a fan to find her lift, but she was quite convincing.1 Green screen enable us to suspend reality and help Supergirl fly through space.2 Asmar and his brother Sameer played Black Panther and his arch nemesis.3 Sadly, for technical reasons we could not include them, but will do so in phase two.4 Chloe showed true superhero courage by climbing up pedestals 25 feet high.5 Our crew was there to catch every courageous step.6 She also brought with her some pretty flashy shoes.7 Bravery runs deep in these kids, who have experienced so much by such a young age.8 The staff at Jack’s Urban Jungle could not have been more supportive.9 Again, we used green screen at Jack’s Urban Jungle to change a playground into a battlefield.10 Clearly these kids had a ball playing their favourite heroes.11 Lighting was a big issue as we had to get it just right for the green screen to work.12 When we are done, that green curtain will be a huge storm and Logan will be hundreds of feet in the air.13 Comic book universes crossed as DC’s Superman and Marvel’s Ironman teamed up.14 This little Wonder Woman has fought cancer three times, and she stole the hearts of our crew.15 What makes a person a superhero? We don’t know, but these kids have it.16 The webslinger was with us, spinning silk to catch the bad guys.17 Don’t worry Peter Parker, we can keep a secret.18 The Flash showed off his blinding speed as he ran across and around the park for us.19 The caped crusader and boy wonder also dropped by to show us how to take down the henchmen.20 When they say ‘boy’ wonder they aren’t kidding.21 Teamwork triumphs in crime prevention just as it does when families unite to fight cancer.22 We pulled no punches, especially big green ones, when recruiting the heroes for this video.23