Neil Little is the driving force behind 'Canada Cuts For'1 We have proudly stood by Neil and Gilda's Club Simcoe Muskoka since 20142 Our promo video in 2015 involved recording big corporate sponsors3 And also interviews with Mayor Lehman and other officials4 Use of this limo was one of the donated prizes5 Neil knows hairdressers from Toronto to here in Midland6 This happy group is from Connect Hair Studio in Barrie, long-time supporters7 The event gives complimentary services the chance to show off their skills8 Services ranged from hair to makeup, nails, and even massage9 Here is Dale from 'In The Community' on 107.5 Kool FM10 Lots of cameras shooting photographers with cameras11 This brave young lady donated years of growth to make wigs for cancer12 Hairdressers from private salons joined the Connect team to raise funds13 In 2015 the event expanded to include Toronto, which was a big jump14 Pat Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Gilda's Club of Greater Toronto15 Neil Little provides personal attention to Kayte, our Resources Manager16 Anne Naumyk, Community Development Coordinator, Gilda's Club Simcoe Muskoka17 Working as 3B Solutions, we have donated multiple productions for Gilda's18 Not only did we record events, we provided live feeds for demonstrations19 All of which contributed greatly to assisting Gilda's Club to raise much needed funding20