We offer a nonjudgmental voice to anyone with a progressive social message.
The OCANetwork, also known as Five Points Media, is a community-oriented and locally focused broadcast-quality on-line media service that offers support and a nonjudgmental voice to those who are all too often ignored by mainstream media. This policy extends to all benevolent groups and agencies that support equality. We reserve the right to analyze and expose political groups and organizations that promote hatred and racism, as well as anybody who takes action that can hurt others.
In addition to producing thought-provoking broadcast-quality social video projects, we provide production crew and equipment free of charge for selected public events, and fully donated services to many local charities and not-for-profit groups. We also offer dramatically reduced rates to vetted benevolent organizations and community-groups that charge for their services or which receive government funding. Please see our "About Us" page for more details.
Below are some recent examples of our work
All other videos are accessible through the tab for Recent Stories and the "Full List" tab.
The OCANetwork is registered with the province of Ontario as a media producer. We have various writers and contributors who work together to provide a fully-rounded vision of events in various parts of Ontario. Our mission is to tell the stories that don't make it past the assignment editors of mainstream media, as their agenda is to entertain the audience for profit while ours is to research and report on current social crisis, while offering insight into who in our community is effectively helping to end or lessen the issue.
The mission of mainstream media is to profit from filtering the events of the day, while ours is to tell the truth with no hidden agenda and no sponsors controlling our content.
Why and how do we help the community?
Our team is community-oriented, so profit is not our focus. Our goal is to help improve the lives of those who share our community, and to provide a voice to those who are forced into silence because their message does not gel with mainstream media. For more than seven years, first as Five Points Media and now as the The OCANetwork, our crew has donated our services to a wide range of benevolent groups and charities. Some are household names while others have quietly tended to the needs of a small sector of our community with neither fanfare nor recognition.
Internationally experienced journalists and producers of documentaries
The OCANetwork is not new. In addition to donating 300 videos to our community as Five Points Media, our CEO is the owner and Producer at 3B Solutions, a multiple-award winning professional video production company that has been working in Barrie since two thousand and eleven. Our diversified crew bring with them more than 30 years of international media experience, including dozens of credits in news, documentaries, commercial productions, and theatrical productions. Throughout the years from 2014 through 2022, our crew has been recognized by local businesses and residents as the ‘Best Videographers in Barrie’. In 2020 our Producer and crew were finalists in the Barrie Chamber of Commerce "Paying It Forward Award" for altruism.