Verico the Mortgage Station, Loan Sharks In Lefroy

Your community channel in Barrie and Simcoe County

Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Studio: 705-828-5605 ~ Production: 416-996-2786 ~ Email

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Win a $100.00 Gift Card From Walmart For Helping Us To Protect Seniors From Fraud

Christmas is coming, and in today’s economy, who can’t use an extra hundred dollars? Even better, you would be winning that money by helping protect vulnerable seniors from the threat of financial fraud. We need your help to spread the word about our efforts to shut down loan sharks who prey on seniors in Simcoe County. That could be your parents or grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, or just seniors you know. So, each month, during the time we are working on this project, we will give away one gift card valued at $100.00 to the top provider of likes, shares, and group posts that promote our journalistic exposé. The stories to be promoted can be found at If you know your way around social media, you could share our stories in a hundred places in an hour.

Our team at Five Points Media is producing this social documentary about Verico the Mortgage Station, whose brokers committed the crime of usury, or loan sharking, against a senior and veteran. We have also received details of a few other stories that have caused us considerable concern about the safety of seniors who do business with Verico the Mortgage Station or HomeEquity Bank , the providers of the CHIP Reverse Mortgages. We are also exposing how the South Simcoe Police Service has done everything possible to avoid prosecuting the loan sharks, who report annual income of five to six million dollars. We can only speculate why this crime is being ignored and dismissed through a variety of dubious excuses.

We will give out one card per month.

The scale of the collective grift becomes clear when you consider that we first reported this story more than a year ago, and then much more aggressively during the past three months. Regardless, the owners of the multimillion-dollar brokerage are clearly afraid to take the issue of our reporting before a judge, where evidence is all that matters. This is also true of the much larger Verico Financial Group Inc., and the multibillion-dollar HomeEquity Bank that provides the CHIP Reverse Mortgages , which targets seniors.

We will calculate the winner by how many likes and shares etc. are credited to their social media accounts.

We are boosting our articles on various platforms of social media, and we will continue to do so, but we would like to see some of our promotions budget go to helping those families and individuals who need it most. Far too many families are struggling today, and grifters like those at Verico the Mortgage Station are one of the reasons so many are hurting. As we are a benevolent social enterprise that donates all services to hundreds of charities and our community, we are limited in what we can do, but we want to do what we can to help those in the most need. This card from Walmart, valued at $100.00, will help to maybe make your holiday season that little bit better, or to put food on the table.

A full list of the videos and articles we want to promote can be found at

Some of the stories we want to see spread more thoroughly are as follows:







The full list can be found at:


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